On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 9:28 PM, Aaron West <awest@tamakizu.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Guys,

I've been having some issues this week with my oVirt 4.1 install on CentOS 7...

It was previously working great but I made a couple of alterations(which I've mostly backed out now) and I ran a yum update followed by a reboot, however. after it came back up I couldn't start any virtual machines...

The oVirt web interface reports :

VDSM Local command SpmStatusVDS failed: Heartbeat exceeded
VDSM Local command GetStatsVDS failed: Heartbeat exceeded
VM My_Workstation is down with error. Exit message: Failed to find the libvirt domain.

Plus some other errors so I checked my "dmesg" output and libvirtd seems to segfault :

[70835.914607] libvirtd[10091]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f681c7e7721 sp 00007f680c7d2740 error 4 in libvirt.so.0.2000.0[7f681c73a000+353000]


I would suggest enabling libvirt debug logs and perhaps enabling a core dump if it's not enabled?

Next I checked logs but I couldn't find anything that seemed relevant to me, I mean I see lots of oVirt complaining but that makes sense if libvirtd segfaults right?

So last ditch effort was try and use strace and hope with my limited knowlege I spot something uselful but I didn't so I've attahced the strace output to this email in the hope someone else might.

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