Good afternoon all,

Welcome to the third part of my trilogy of disaster recovery woes. Much of my woe is self inflicted, but I have learned enough from this that I now know how to ask the right question about the original problem that got me here.

After reinstalling the engine from the ground up, ovirt immediately recognized the first host (yay) whose network configuration I had manually fixed on the host console.

I removed the host from the engine, stripped its system down to the bare OS, then attempted to reinstall ovirt.

Apparently the original network configuration is still saved on the host, because reinstall kicks the host off of the management network, replacing the good configuration that I just made on the host with the bad one that was the original cause of my heartache.

What is wrong with this configuration is that the storage network is on a 10 gbit sfp+ physical network, isolated from the 1 gbit ovirtmgt network with RJ12 connectors. There is no way to bridge the two networks 

Here is the original (bad) configuration:

Here is the corrected configuration.  Note that it wont let me connect to the network.  it's frustrating because I know that the engine is not communicating with the host, and I can map out the fix here, but I can't save it.


It will not allow me to remove the host or switch the host to inoperable or maintenance mode.

Please advise.