I am in the process of upgrading my cluster while at the same time moving to gluster.  My engine is version 3.3.1 and I have a NFS cluster running in 3.1 compatibility mode that I am moving to a 3.3 GlusterFS cluster.   Host3 runs the engine and is on the NFS cluster while host2 is running a single brick gluster volume and a few vms on the Gluster cluster.  Host1 is the machine I am trying to move from the NFS cluster to the Gluster cluster.  Host1 is upgraded to the latest vdsm/gluster/etc (done via the host re-install option in the UI while in maintenance mode).  I attempt to change the datacenter/cluster on the host edit page and after I press OK I get the following error in the UI: "Error while executing action ChangeVDSCluster: Network error during communication with the Host."  I have checked all IPs and DNS resolutions and even went so far to disable iptables on all of the hosts to make sure I don't have any firewall issues.  Host1/2 is running latest centos 6.5 and Host3 is slightly behind on centos 6.4.

While attempting to make the change I have tailed the engine.log and it is in the following pastebin http://pastebin.com/1yaK4vYt.

Any help would be great.  I just need a direction to look in.

Patrick Pierson