On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 4:08 PM, <ovirt@fateknollogee.com> wrote:

Is it with virt-manager, as described in one of the links you provided, or direct virsh commands or what?

If you are using virt-manager, what did you specify in CPUs --> Configuration --> Model ?
Great question, my answer = none

Did you choose the checkbox to "copy host cpu configuration"?
Great question, my answer = no
Well, so you should try to select "copy host cpu configuration" check box and see if you are able to boot the VM and to

1)install the dedicated oVirt Node-NG specialized image 


2) try to install a plain CentOS 7.3 OS + install hypervisor packages

enable oVirt repos on this candidate host
yum install <http://resources.ovirt.org/pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release41.rpm

(btw: this part seems obfuscated in the installation guide....)

and add the host to the engine

If you are not able to complete installation of node or OS, probably you have to enable only part of the cpu flags and not all (as you do when you passthrough copy them), and it is possible you to tweak a little to find the better for you... it depends on the real hw and particular cpu where your bare metal host is installed

HIH a little clarifying,