Gluster doesn't work with servers but bricks.

Brick is a term for a server + mountpoint combination.

If you wish to expand your gluster volume -> you have to do it via replica sets.
replica 3 volume -> 3 bricks

So, yes you can have 4 servers and all be part of gluster, but you need extra bricks.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

Thanks for this information. I guess I follow the same way of the first three nodes to add the next three one.

But, sorry if I say something stupid, but why 3 by 3 ?
My replication (default btw) is to keep 3 copies. If I add a node, he can keep 3 copies over 4 nodes no ? And same when there are 5 and more nodes.

I don't understand this point, if you have a explanation or a documentation about it, I'm more than interrested

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