2016-09-23 15:57 GMT+02:00 Sahina Bose <sabose@redhat.com>:You could do this - where Node3 & Node 2 also has arbiter bricks. Arbiter bricks only store metadata and requires very low storage capacity compared to the data bricks.Node1 Node2 Node3 Node4brick1 brick1 arb-brickarb-brick brick1 brick1Ok, cool! And this won't pose any problem if Node2 or Node4 fail?
The syntax shuld be this:gluster volume create data replica 3 arbiter 1 node1:/brick node2:/brick node2:/arb_brick node3:/brick node4:/brick node4:/arb_brick
--is not a problem having more than a brick on the same host for the volume create syntax?Thanks againDavide FerrariSenior Systems Engineer