Hello Ovirt Users; 

I'm attempting to Deploy Ovirt-engine and having a rough go of it with 4.4.4

I've installed oVirt 4.4.4 onto a USB key (64GB) on an HP DL 380 G8, Storage is via NFS and Free NAS (30TB) over 10GB Ethernet (Chelsio) - I had to install drivers using these commands: 

Chelsio T320 10GB/s Card Mods
1. rpm --import https://www.elrepo.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org
2. yum install https://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-8.el8.elrepo.noarch.rpm
3. yum install kmod-cxgb3

for some reason I've had services failing on my Newly installed Ovirt Node

The oVirt Imiage IO Deamon refuses to start:

I believe this is the reason I cannot run "hosted-engine --deploy"  (fails towards the end) 

For a bit it was the VSDM service now it's the image IO Deamon. 

intuition tells me that maybe Ovirt does not play well with Chelsio 10GB cards?? 

As always any help is appreciated. 
