
On 19 Sep 2023, at 18:03, Andrea Chierici <andrea.chierici@cnaf.infn.it> wrote:

this gives me a clear idea of the status of the project unfortunately.
But please let me explain my use case and maybe you can suggest me the correct solution.
In my organization we have several ovirt installations, some with hosted engine, some with a separate VM running on "something else".
Personally I have 2 instances that I care most and they are still running 4.5.4.
You suggested several months ago that we should switch to nightlies, but since I need to be sure they work correctly, I want to test them on a separate tesbed. Hence I wanted to install a brand new mini cluster to test the nightlies before running them in production (I think this is the correct approach in general).
Anyway since nightlies change quite often and are not versioned, it's not simple, I think, to test them on a testbed and then bring them in production, since some packages may have already been updated.
So, what do yuo suggest me to do, to be sure I run in production only tested software?
THanks a lot for your support.

I think you should send this e-mail to your employer, with a subject "we need staging environment & employees to work on it". Not to Sandro

The time, when your employer could use written & tested cloud solutions "on premise for free", mostly is over
