Dear all,

When we monitor one of our machines, we noticed that there was one vm that was constantly giving a error of memory usage. But when we took a look at it, there is actually nothing wrong with it. Now we looked furhter then that. We looked at the API of the machine and noticed something very strange:

<statistic href="/api/vms/3b9aa245-75ff-42e8-b921-1c9ce61826bf/statistics/b7499508-c1c3-32f0-8174-c1783e57bb08" id="b7499508-c1c3-32f0-8174-c1783e57bb08"><name>memory.used</name><description>Memory used (agent)</description><values type="INTEGER"><value><datum>-944892806</datum></value></values><type>GAUGE</type><unit>BYTES</unit>

It's a negative...

What could be the problem?

Kind regards,
