             The VMs can get created from a template otherwise the blank template is used if a particular template is used it can be thin dependent VM the VMs disks is linked to the Templates disk and it just carries the changes made in the VMs disk (this is quicker and uses less space if you a lot of disks). The other option is to create a cloned VM and this will copy the Templates disk to the VM so it's no longer dependent.

In the ansible documentation look for the clone option.

For the cloud-init does the cloud-init package need to be installed on the template image?


                Paul S.

From: notify.sina@gmail.com <notify.sina@gmail.com>
Sent: 18 November 2021 07:34
To: users@ovirt.org <users@ovirt.org>
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: Creating VMs from templates with their own disks
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Im sorry, I am trying to wrap my head around this but it is difficult.

I just want to be able to stand up new vms, with their own storage, similar to how I can with plain vanilla KVM, with a template or without, maybe even with a kickstart, and hopefully with ansible.

Right now anytime I try to create a VM, using the template, (with ansible), it gets the template disk attached, and from the console I see the new vm is named as the vm I created the template with. Cloud init script that is meant to rename the vm, and join it to IPA, is ignored.

If I create storage for the vm, before creating it, both the template storage and the new storage are attached to the vm, which is also confusing. Cloud init is also ignored.

I didn't think something this straightforward would end up needing a shift in thinking about how vms are created, especially with a product that's more than likely using kvm under the hood.

I would appreciate some straightforward guiding steps, if I can get them.
Really. It's been a frustrating week.

> On 2021-11-17 13:50, Sina Owolabi wrote:
> You can create a template with no disk, then VM's created from that
> template will also have no disk. Then add a new disk to the VM after you
> create it. This is how the default blank template works. You can also
> create a template with an empty disk, then every VM created will also
> get an empty disk by default. You can always rename disks as well.
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