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Im sorry, I am trying to wrap my head around this but it is difficult.
I just want to be able to stand up new vms, with their own storage, similar to how I can with plain vanilla KVM, with a template or without, maybe even with a kickstart, and hopefully with ansible.
Right now anytime I try to create a VM, using the template, (with ansible), it gets the template disk attached, and from the console I see the new vm is named as the vm I created the template with. Cloud init script that is meant to rename the vm, and join
it to IPA, is ignored.
If I create storage for the vm, before creating it, both the template storage and the new storage are attached to the vm, which is also confusing. Cloud init is also ignored.
I didn't think something this straightforward would end up needing a shift in thinking about how vms are created, especially with a product that's more than likely using kvm under the hood.
I would appreciate some straightforward guiding steps, if I can get them.
Really. It's been a frustrating week.
> On 2021-11-17 13:50, Sina Owolabi wrote:
> You can create a template with no disk, then VM's created from that
> template will also have no disk. Then add a new disk to the VM after you
> create it. This is how the default blank template works. You can also
> create a template with an empty disk, then every VM created will also
> get an empty disk by default. You can always rename disks as well.
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