I have a 4.1 cluster based on FC storage domain.
There are 2 hosts that are oVirt node-ng
The engine is external to the oVirt environment
Currently the network situation for ovirtmgmt is this one:

engine on network1 (eg 192.168.1.x/24)
host1 and host2 on network2 (eg 192.168.2.x/24)

network1 and network2 routed through a gw

I have to physically move host1 and host2 so that I should change their ip with one on network1.
When I added the hosts in oVirt I used as Hostname/IP field their dns hostname

What is the simplest approach?
I can also give total downtime without particular problems as this is a test environment.
I think I can put all infra into maintenance, change dns configuration but then I have also to change hosts network configuration itself... 
Possibly the best thing to do is remove/add the hosts? I have some doubts about the workflow to follow for removal/add and if for an oVirt-ng node I can change its ip configuration in an easy way.. perhaps from cockpit and then reboot and connect via cockpit to the new ip

Thanks in advance for any suggestion
