On Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 10:17 PM, Lukáš Kaplan <lkaplan@dragon.cz> wrote:I am using Centos 7 and tgtd (scsi-target-utils)Interesting - still doesn't explain it though. Certainly looks like some tgtd issue (see http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-stgt/msg04392.html for example). Try changing the scsi_id in targets.conf perhaps?I recommend, btw, targetcli (LIO) instead. Fairly simple to set up.Y.# cat /etc/centos-releaseCentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)# tgtd -V1.0.55# rpm -qi scsi-target-utilsName : scsi-target-utilsVersion : 1.0.55Release : 4.el7Architecture: x86_64... etc....--
Lukas Kaplan2017-03-31 21:59 GMT+02:00 Yaniv Kaul <ykaul@redhat.com>:On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 3:43 PM, Lukáš Kaplan <lkaplan@dragon.cz> wrote:I solved this issue now.I thought till today, that iSCSI LUN ID (WWN or WWID) is globaly unique. It is not true!If you power on two identical linux machines and create iSCSI target on them, their LUN IDs will be same...360000000000000000e00000000010001 - for first LUN 360000000000000000e00000000010002 - for second LUN etc How did you get to such a number with so many zero's? Usually, there's some vendor ID and so on there...What target are you using?Y.You have to change LUN ID manualy (and take care of that uniqueness in your domain) in /etc/tgtd/targets.conf for example:<target iqn.2017-03.com.example.domain> <backing-store /dev/md124>scsi_id 00020001</backing-store><backing-store /dev/md125>scsi_id 00020002</backing-store>initiator-address</target>--
Lukas Kaplan2017-03-31 9:06 GMT+02:00 Lukáš Kaplan <lkaplan@dragon.cz>:Is it possible that problem can be in conflicting LUN IDs?I see that first LUN from both storage servers have same LUN ID 360000000000000000e00000000010001. One storage server is connected to ovirt and second is not connected because of described problem (ovirt dont show lun after login and discovery). I am using tgtd as iscsi target server on both servers. Both have same configuration (same disks, md raid6), but different iqn and ip address...--
Lukas Kaplan
Dragon Internet a.s.2017-03-29 12:12 GMT+02:00 Liron Aravot <laravot@redhat.com>:On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 12:59 PM, Eduardo Mayoral <emayoral@arsys.es> wrote:I had a similar problem, in my case this was related to multipath, it was not masking the LUNs correctly, it was seeing it multiple times (one per path), and I could not select the LUNs in the oVirt interface.
Once I configured multipath correctly, everything worked like a charm.
Best regards,
Eduardo Mayoral.
On 29/03/17 11:30, Lukáš Kaplan wrote:
Hello all,
I did all steps as I described in previous email, but no change. I can't see any LUN after discovery and login of new iSCSI storage.(That storage is ok, if I try to connect it to another and older ovirt domain, it is working...)
I tryed it on 3 new iSCSI targets alredy, all have same problem...
Can somebody help me, please?
Lukas KaplanHi Lukas,If you try to perform the discovery yourself, do you see the luns?
2017-03-27 16:22 GMT+02:00 Lukáš Kaplan <lkaplan@dragon.cz>:
I did following steps:- delete target on all initiators (ovirt nodes)iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2017-03.cz.dragon.ovirt.fuvs-sn1:10T -p -u iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2017-03.cz.dragon.ovirt.fuvs-sn1:10T -p -o delete
- stop tgtd on target- fill storage by zeroes (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/md125 bs=4096 status=progress)- start tgtd- tried to connect to ovirt (Discovery=ok, Login=ok, but can not see any LUN).
=== After that I ran this commands on one node: ===
[root@fudi-cn1 ~]# iscsiadm -m session -o showtcp: [1],1 iqn.2017-03.cz.dragon.ovirt:ovirtengine (non-flash) tcp: [11],1 iqn.2017-03.cz.dragon.ovirt.fudi-sn1:10T (non-flash) tcp: [12],1 iqn.2017-03.cz.dragon.ovirt.fuvs-sn1:10T (non-flash)
[root@fudi-cn1 ~]# iscsiadm -m discoverydb -P1SENDTARGETS:DiscoveryAddress:,3260Target: iqn.2017-03.cz.dragon.ovirt:ovirtengine Portal:,1Iface Name: defaultiSNS:No targets found.STATIC:Target: iqn.2017-03.cz.dragon.ovirt.fuvs-sn1:10T Portal:,1Iface Name: defaultTarget: iqn.2017-03.cz.dragon.ovirt:ovirtengine Portal:,1Iface Name: defaultTarget: iqn.2017-03.cz.dragon.ovirt.fudi-sn1:10T Portal:,1Iface Name: defaultFIRMWARE:No targets found.
=== On iscsi target: ===[root@fuvs-sn1 ~]# cat /proc/mdstatPersonalities : [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]md125 : active raid6 sdl1[11] sdk1[10] sdj1[9] sdi1[8] sdh1[7] sdg1[6] sdf1[5] sde1[4] sdd1[3] sdc1[2] sdb1[1] sda1[0]9766302720 blocks super 1.2 level 6, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [12/12] [UUUUUUUUUUUU]bitmap: 0/8 pages [0KB], 65536KB chunk...etc...
[root@fuvs-sn1 ~]# cat /etc/tgt/targets.confdefault-driver iscsi
<target iqn.2017-03.cz.dragon.ovirt.fuvs-sn1:10T>
# provided devicce as a iSCSI targetbacking-store /dev/md125# iSCSI Initiator's IP address you allow to connect#initiator-address</target>
Lukas Kaplan
2017-03-25 12:36 GMT+01:00 Lukas Kaplan <lkaplan@dragon.cz>:
Co muze myslet tim mappingem?
Jinak muzu zkusit ddckem celou storage prepsat nulami.
co ty na to?
Odesláno z iPhonu
Začátek přeposílané zprávy:
Od: Yaniv Kaul <ykaul@redhat.com>
Datum: 24. března 2017 23:25:21 SEČ
Komu: Lukáš Kaplan <lkaplan@dragon.cz>
Kopie: users <users@ovirt.org>
Předmět: Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI Discovery cannot detetect LUN
On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 1:34 PM, Lukáš Kaplan <lkaplan@dragon.cz> wrote:
Hello all,
please do you have some experience with troubleshooting adding of iSCSI domain to ovirt 4.1.1?
I am chalenging this issue now:
1) I have successfuly installed oVirt 4.1.1 environment with self-hosted engine, 3 nodes and 3 storages (iSCSI Master domain, iSCSI for hosted engine and NFS ISO domain). Everything is working now.
2) But, when I want to add new iSCSI domain, I can discover it, I can login, but I cant see any LUN on that storage. (I had same problem in oVirt 4.1.0, so I made upgrade to 4.1.1)
Are you sure mappings are correct?Can you ensure the LUN is empty?Y.
3) Then I tryed to add this storage to another oVirt environment (oVirt 3.6) and there are no problem. I can see LUN on that storage and I can connect it to oVirt.
I tryed to examine vdsm.log, but it is very detailed and unredable for me :-/
Thak you in advance, have a nice day,
Lukas Kaplan
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