Hi we have upgraded to ovirt 3.5.5 and it seems to have gone well. However when we initially configured one of our clusters (back in the day of ovirt 3.2) we forgot to adjust two of our vm guest bridges that we use for iscsi traffic to an mtu of 9000. 

We have around 50 or so vms using these bridges and we cant change the mtu on the data center screen due to the vms being attached to the bridges (This message comes up trying to change it).

We were able to easily override the settings on the hosts in prior versions of ovirt (but I don't remember where we did it). Our current 3.4 cluster is fine, but I am now setting up a 3.5 cluster with new servers.
I don't see how changing it to 9000 will cause us any problems due to the fact that our older clusters are running those bridges at 9000 anyway.

Also has anyone experienced the new ui not being as responsive when showing the state of vm migrations (doesn't seem to refresh very well on the hosts screen).

Does anyone know if there a way I can force the value to mtu 9000 in the database somewhere without blowing it up ?


Gary Lloyd
I.T. Systems:Keele University
Finance & IT Directorate
Keele:Staffs:IC1 Building:ST5 5NB:UK
+44 1782 733063