On Sat, Aug 1, 2020 at 12:36 AM <thomas@hoberg.net> wrote:
Wow, it seems a good find for a potential reason!

Yes, but did you check the files at the path I gave you?

Did you get a chance to test the OVA export/import cycle?

Right now.
Environment with oVirt 4.3.10. I have a CentOS 8 VM with a 20Gb preallocated disk (and inside the VM 4Gb actually used).
I shutdown the VM and then export as OVA.
The process completes, apparently successfully, and on the engine in /var/log/ovirt-engine/ova 3 files are created (ov301 is the host chosen for the export):


and as described inside the bug I referred I see in the third file:

converting disk: /rhev/data-center/mnt/blockSD/fa33df49-b09d-4f86-9719-ede649542c21/images/ff10a405-
cc61-4d00-a83f-3ee04b19f381/146d7e09-a6df-41d1-9a88-fb5c0174b099, offset 13312
qemu-img: /dev/loop0: error while converting qcow2: Could not open device: Permission denied


Shared connection to ov301 closed.
On ov301 apparently the file has been created:
[g.cecchi@ov301 ~]$ ll /tmp/c8client.ova
-rw-------. 1 root root 21478389760 Aug  1 01:16 /tmp/c8client.ova
[g.cecchi@ov301 ~]$


[g.cecchi@ov301 ~]$ du -sh /tmp/c8client.ova
20K /tmp/c8client.ova
[g.cecchi@ov301 ~]$

So I think this is a severe problem, much more because it doesn't give any error and gives false sensation of a good backup (until you try to import it anywhere... )
I already asked in the bugzilla to backport to 4.3.
Otherwise if there is no will/time/resources to solve it, at least to disable the functionality.
Post your comments to it too.

Let's see and monitor the bug...
