Even after rebooting the engine the disks are still there with same status "Transferring via API"AlexOn Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 11:49 AM, Eyal Shenitzky <eshenitz@redhat.com> wrote:Idan/Daniel,Can you please take a look?Thanks,On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 11:44 AM, Alex K <rightkicktech@gmail.com> wrote:______________________________Hi All,I was trying to upload a VM disk at data storage domain using a python script.I did cancel the upload twice and at the third time the upload was successful, but I see two disks from the previous attempts with status "transferring via API" (see attached). This status of for more then 8 hours and I cannot remove them.Is there any way to clean them from the disks inventory?I am using ovirt with self hosted engine on 3 nodes.Thanx,Alex_________________
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--Regards,Eyal Shenitzky