OK, applied the patch (commit 6216cb136cff899b4a40eb8edc1d8c2da5330fbd).
but still can't get the admin portal to work.
the browser is now stuck endlessly waiting once you click 'Admin portal'.

logs attached.

another thing:
$ psql -U postgres engine
psql: FATAL:  database "engine" does not exist

is this normal?


On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Juan Hernandez <jhernand@redhat.com> wrote:
You are right, this is a consequence of a problem that was fixed in the master branch, but that is not included in the 3.2 release. I just back-ported it to the 3.2 branch, and it is available for review here:


Any chances that you can apply and test this patch?