On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 6:25 PM Diego Ercolani <diego.ercolani@ssis.sm> wrote:
Hello I saw there are other thread asking how to delete disk snapshots from backup operation.
We definitively need a tool to kill pending backup operations and locked snapshots.  
I Think this is very frustrating ovirt is a good piece of software but it's very immature in a dirty asyncronous world.
We need a unified toolbox to clean manually and do database housekeeping. 

Note that the thread you refer to is about a snapshot-based mechanism for backup.
While we still test it (and unfortunately didn't notice the reported issues on our environments, thus we need more information as Benny pointed out), we have been putting our efforts on an alternative mechanism that is based on incremental backup.
This mechanism is supported (since oVirt 4.5.1 I believe) and should provide you with ways to finalize backups.
It would be great if you can elaborate on what "pending backup operations" means to see it's covered by that new mechanism we call "Hybrid backup":
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