On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 2:12 PM Ariez Ahito <aristotleahito@gmail.com> wrote:
hi guys, i just want to ask if you can just upload an .OVA file to ovirt just like uploading ISO?
without setting up virt-v2v and export domain?


Put the OVA file on one of your hypervisors in a certain path
Go to Web Admin Gui --> Compute --> Virtual Machines 
Select the three vertical dots at top right (near the "Migrate" button) and "Import"
Select "Virtual Appliance (OVA)" as source and choose the host and File Path where you previously put the OVA
select the VMs to import using the horizontal arrows

In theory it should be supported oVirt as internal format and only vSphere as external format of OVA.
But as far as your OVA complies with what oVirt expects, it could work too.
