Yes. We are working to integrate our engine and vdsm logs as well.
Hope you will find it helpful and would appreciate your input once we have the metrics store in production. 

Shirly Radco
BI Software Engineer
Red Hat Israel Ltd.

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 4:44 PM, Eduardo Mayoral <> wrote:

Thanks for your answer!

Looks certainly interesting. I am using collectd with virt plugin + carbon + graphite + grafana for performance graphs of the hosts and the VMs right now ( oVirt 4.1 with nodes in CentOS 7.3)

I like the idea of using fluentd for this instead of a relational database. Will it handle metrics and logs as well? I am asking because of the kibana component.

Best regards,

Eduardo Mayoral Jimeno (
Administrador de sistemas. Departamento de Plataformas. Arsys internet.
+34 941 620 145 ext. 5153
On 08/03/17 14:51, Shirly Radco wrote:
Hi Eduardo, 

DWH still exists, and if you have a reports tool that supports sql you can use it with it.
Reports was deprecated in 3.6.

We are now working on adding a new metrics store solution for oVirt.

For more details you can have a look at:

Currently in 4.1 the hosts and engine include Collectd and Fluentd.
In 4.2 we expect to have the metrics store ready.

You can try setting up the metrics store side from upstream for now.
The Fluent and Collectd configuration are handled at:

Best regards,
Shirly Radco
BI Software Engineer
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 12:29 PM, Eduardo Mayoral <> wrote:


    I see the DWH reports disappeared in 3.5 or maybe 3.6, there seems
to be no substitute por 4.X

    Is there some alternative to have some pre-made reports from the DWH
on 4.X ? Maybe not something on the oVirt project itself but from
someone on the community?

    Thanks in advance!

Eduardo Mayoral Jimeno (
Administrador de sistemas. Departamento de Plataformas. Arsys internet.
+34 941 620 145 ext. 5153

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