Hello Matt,
                   probably the easiest setup to test/evaluate oVirt it to use ORB
From version 4.2 you can setup a single node hyper-converged install but it requires more skills and resources.


You could also use nested virtualization on KVM and virt-manager, use your host to provide NFS, iscsi or gluster and then provide a nested VM for the engine and hosts. 

                 Paul S.

From: Matt R <webmattr@hotmail.com>
Sent: 21 January 2020 08:05
To: Tony Brian Albers <tba@kb.dk>
Cc: users@ovirt.org <users@ovirt.org>
Subject: [ovirt-users] Re: oVirt on a Single Server
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That was my original configuration, but I found that it wouldn't let me add the local machine as a host, and so I thought perhaps I needed to use the self-hosted deployment methodology instead.

Would a regular engine be better for my deployment type? If so, I can investigate why that isn't working, and start over.

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 20, 2020, at 11:46 PM, Tony Brian Albers <tba@kb.dk> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2020-01-21 at 07:35 +0000, webmattr@hotmail.com wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I can't seem to install the self-hosted engine onto local storage. It
>> gives me glustefs, iscsi, fc, and nfs as the available options. I'm
>> using this in a home-lab scenario, and don't have budget/etc. for
>> building out a dedicated NAS for it, or setting up multiple nodes. I
>> like the look of oVirt, and wanted to try it with a couple disposable
>> vm's (plex, and a docker instance I break often). My current best-
>> thought for how to make it work is to setup NFS on the server, and
>> then point the self-hosted engine at the (local) NFS share. Is there
>> a better way to do this that I might be overlooking?*
>> *Factoring that I don't have the funds to build out a proper storage
>> environment, yet.
>> (and if anyone asks, I did search for a solution to this, but didn't
>> find anything super helpful. Mostly I found 5+ year old articles on a
>> similar but different scenario).
> Well, if you can live with a regular engine(not self-hosted), this
> works:
> https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ovirt.org%2Fdocumentation%2Finstall-guide%2Fchap-Installing_oVirt.html&amp;data=02%7C01%7Cp.staniforth%40leedsbeckett.ac.uk%7C3bf3ffcd398845e3beda08d79e66be3d%7Cd79a81124fbe417aa112cd0fb490d85c%7C0%7C0%7C637152036428633744&amp;sdata=JBYBOxBIehI%2FcwVTre9Kex7infgL0M4Do4YYOCX%2B7X4%3D&amp;reserved=0
> /tony
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