Hi again,

There is no new memory banks created,
example :
before adding memory to the Cento7.2 VM I have 4 directories under /sys/devices/system/memory
memory0 to memory3 and their status was online.

I augmented the memory from 512 to 1024
the were no new memoryX added
and I had the error mentioned above:

VDSM Noveria command failed: unsupported configuration: unknown device type 'memory'
Failed to hot set memory to VM ipaClient. Underlying error message: unsupported configuration: unknown device type 'memory'

both for Centos6 and Centos7

I stopped the VM Centos7, I added augmented the memory again, then started the VM, now I have new memoryX directories under /sys/devices/system/memory
memory4 to memory7

2016-02-01 15:17 GMT+01:00 Yaniv Dary <ydary@redhat.com>:
  1. Look for memory that appears offline. 

    Run this command to check the state of the memory:

    grep line /sys/devices/system/memory/*/state

  2. When memory appears offline, run this command to set it to online:

    echo online >/sys/devices/system/memory/memory[number]/state 

Yaniv Dary
Technical Product Manager
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109

Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
Email: ydary@redhat.com
IRC : ydary

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 3:46 PM, wodel youchi <wodel.youchi@gmail.com> wrote:
What do mean?
I have to use RHEL7? What about Centos7 is this unavailable?


2016-02-01 14:12 GMT+01:00 Yaniv Dary <ydary@redhat.com>:
You need to use EL7 guest.

Yaniv Dary
Technical Product Manager
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109

Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
Email: ydary@redhat.com
IRC : ydary

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 1:16 PM, wodel youchi <wodel.youchi@gmail.com> wrote:

I tried with the Centos6x64 VM, I didn't work, in ovirt's webui I have this error :

VDSM Noveria command failed: unsupported configuration: unknown device type 'memory'
Failed to hot set memory to VM mail10. Underlying error message: unsupported configuration: unknown device type 'memory'

Looking into /sys/devices/system/memory there is no new memory banks added.

But, I tested with another VM, Centos7x64 which I updated with latest packages : CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

I tried to add memory, but I had the same error on ovirt's webui, I did not work neither with el6x64 or el7x64

and /sys/devices/system/memory didn't change, there are no new entries


2016-02-01 10:30 GMT+01:00 Nathanaël Blanchet <blanchet@abes.fr>:

the hot add features starts working out of the box from centos 7.2 guest.
On previous el7.x, two ways to do that:

5.2. How to online memory
Even if the memory is hot-added, it is not at ready-to-use state.
For using newly added memory, you have to "online" the memory block.

For onlining, you have to write "online" to the memory block's state file as:

% echo online > /sys/devices/system/memory/memoryXXX/state

or to be active at boot, add this udev rule in /lib/udev/rules.d/55-ovirt-guest-agent.rules :

SUBSYSTEM=="memory", ACTION=="add", TEST=="state", ATTR{state}=="offline", ATTR{state}="online"

I can't tell you if this works on el6 guest, but why not testing for us ;)

Le 01/02/2016 10:04, wodel youchi a écrit :

I am using oVirt 3.6.2 on FC22 box, all-in-one installation, my purpose is to test it.

I am using a simple Desktop :
- one cpu core i5 3550 with 4 cores
- 2x4 Go of RAM

I installed a Centos 6x64 VM with all updates + ovirt guest agent.

I tried to augment the memory from 1024 to 1536 (+512Mo) it didn't work I had to shutdown the VM for the change to take effect.

Hot plug memory does it have something to do with the underneath hardware?
or does it depend on the guest OS?
or something else?


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