On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 4:39 PM Stefano Danzi <s.danzi@hawai.it> wrote:
I've just rebooted the ovirt node and now it works, without any changes in configuration.
I can't imagine why.

Thanks for letting us know that this solved the problem.
Please let us know if the issue happens again.

Il 15/05/2020 15:10, Dominik Holler ha scritto:

Hi! I have to check, but it is strange.....
Arp replies originated from the VM has not problems, only ARP replies
that came from TAP device in VM where not forwarded to real LAN.

Do you have a TAP device inside the VM?

Yes! This VM act as L2 VPN server. Inside the VM tap device is bridged with vm lan adapter.

This should work, so let me ask some detailed questions:

Does the issue reproduce, if you are using a single NIC instead of a bond?

Can you please share the output of
bridge fdb show br ovirtmgmt
brctl showmacs ovirtmgmt
while replacing ovirtmgmt with the name of your bridge?
What are relevant MAC addresses like bridge/bond, vNIC and tun device in the output?

What is the output of
ebtables -t filter -L

The thread
[ovirt-users] DHCP Client in Guest VM does not work on ovirtmgmt
might be similar.

Exactly as descived in bz1279161 (that's solved in bz1135347 but it's
not public and I can't read it)

Unfortunately BZ1135347 does not look helpful here.