On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 3:50 PM, Maurice James <mjames@media-node.com> wrote:
How do I get the spice client to connect to a VM through the portal instead of attempting to connect directly to the VM? For example. I allow access to the engine portal over our WAN to a NATed IP address. The users on the other side of the WAN do not have access to the real VM IP addresses. When they click on the console access button, they are unable to connect to the VM. I believe this is because it using attempting a direct connection instead of proxying through the portal.


more tech details also from rhev docs:

I don't remember if it is ok and works to set up the squid part on engine itself.... but I think it would be cleaner design to put it on another dedicated infrastructure host, perhaps already existing in your infra for similar reasons.
