Hello Christian,

here are some useful links



You need to have at least 1 device for the O/S node install and at least 1 device for the bricks, so ideally mirror 2 for the O/S and raid the rest + spare.

a) Yes the the oVirt node installer has a hyperconverged/gluster mode.

b) The storage will be shared between all 3 nodes and distributed to bricks on all 3 nodes.

c) The VM can start and migrate on / to all nodes if all requirements are met (mem/cpu/networks) as the storage is shared.

d) I don't think so

e) storage network should not die VMs will probably be paused and if nodes lose access to storage on the master storage domain I think the    engine will restart them depending on fencing policy.
The gluster network should be a separate from the front-end network and use bonds for resilience.

f) yes you can add more shared storage domains using ISCSI, FC, NFS external gluster storage with ISCSI it may be better to use multipath connections rather than a bond.

                    Paul S.   

From: Christian Reiss <email@christian-reiss.de>
Sent: 07 November 2019 13:29
To: users <users@ovirt.org>
Subject: [ovirt-users] Quick generic Questions
Hey folks,

I am looking at setting up a hyperconverged cluster with 3 nodes (and
oVirt 4.3). Before setting up I have some generic questions that I would
love to get hints or even an answer on.

First off, the Servers are outfittet with 24 (SSD) drives each in a
HW-RAID. Due to wear-leveling and speed I am looking at RAID10. So I
would end up with one giant sda device.

a) Partitioning
Using oVirt node installer which will use the full size of /dev/sda is
this still the right solution to Hyperconverged given the gluster issue?
If I understood it correctly gluster is using empty drives or partitions
so a fully utilized drive is of no use here. Does oVirt node installer
have a hyperconverged/ gluster mode?

b) Storage Location
In this 3 node cluster, creating a VM on node01 will the data for node01
always end up in the local node01 server?

c) Starting VMs
Can a VM be migrated or launched from node03 if the data resides on
node01 and node02 (copies 2 with arbiter).

d) Efficiency / High IO Load
If node01 has high IO Load would additional data be loaded from the
other node which has the copy to even the load? I am aware Virtuozzo
does this.

e) Storage Network dies
What would happen with node01, node02 and node03 are operational but
only the storage network dies (frontend is still alive as are the nodes).

f) external isci/ FreeNAS
We have a FreeNAS system with tons of space and fast network
connectivity. Can oVirt handle storage import like remote iscsi target
and run VMs on the ovirt nodes but store data there?

Thank you for your time to clear this up.
I have found many approaches out there that either are old (oVirt 3) or
even contradict themselves (talk about RAID level...)


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