בתאריך שבת, 21 ביולי 2018, 01:21, מאת Shi Qilin ‏<shiqilin@outlook.com>:
Thanks,this is successful


在 2018年7月20日 at 16:21:36, Arik Hadas (ahadas@redhat.com) 写到:

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 5:28 AM <yunsur.shi@gmail.com> wrote:
We have more USB devices redir (There are 8),But oVirt supports only 6.
How should I configure it.


This 0..6 modify 0..8

engine-config -s NumberOfUSBSlots=8
engine-config -g NumberOfUSBSlots
NumberOfUSBSlots: 8 version: general

But No entry into force
Should I do?

To apply this change you'll need to restart the engine, then disable the USB support for that VM, and then enable the USB support again.
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