On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 11:08 PM, Nir Soffer <nsoffer@redhat.com> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 12:07 AM, Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cecchi@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm on 4.1 with 2 FC SAN storage domains and testing live migration of disk.

I started with a CentOS 7.3 VM with a thin provisioned disk of 30Gb.
It seems that I can see actual disk size in VM--> Snapshots--> Active VM line and the right sub pane.
If I remember correctly before the live storage migration the actual size was 16Gb.
But after the migration it shows actual size greater than virtual (33Gb)??

Hi Gianluca,

This is possible for thin disks.

With thin disk we have some overhead for qcow2 metadata, which can be
up to 10% in the worst case. So when doing operations on thin disk, we
may enlarge it to the virtual size * 1.1, which is 33G for 30G disk.

Can you share the output of this commands?

(If the vm is running, you should skip the lvchange commands)

lvchange -ay 5ed04196-87f1-480e-9fee-9dd450a3b53b/9af3574d-dc83-485f-b906-0970ad09b660he

qemu-img check /dev/5ed04196-87f1-480e-9fee-9dd450a3b53b/9af3574d-dc83-485f-b906-0970ad09b660he

lvchange -an 5ed04196-87f1-480e-9fee-9dd450a3b53b/9af3574d-dc83-485f-b906-0970ad09b660he


Yes, the VM is active.
In this moment the disk name seems to be without the final "he" letters....

[root@ovmsrv07 ~]# qemu-img check /dev/5ed04196-87f1-480e-9fee-9dd450a3b53b/9af3574d-dc83-485f-b906-0970ad09b660 
No errors were found on the image.
41734/491520 = 8.49% allocated, 3.86% fragmented, 0.00% compressed clusters
Image end offset: 2736128000
[root@ovmsrv07 ~]#