q35 + virtio-scsi VM won't start because both cdrom and harddisk are mapped to sda
I have created a q35 VM using virt-shell:
add vm --template-id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --cluster-id 16dc2c02-7d14-40a9-b170-cfdfdf63565b --name TESTVM --virtio_scsi-enabled 1 --os-type rhel_7x64 --custom_emulated_machine pc-q35-rhel7.3.0
When I try to start the VM vdsm shows:
<disk device="cdrom" snapshot="no" type="file">
<address bus="0" controller="0" target="0" type="drive" unit="0" />
<source file="" startupPolicy="optional" />
<target bus="sata" dev="sda" />
<readonly />
<disk device="disk" snapshot="no" type="file">
<address bus="0" controller="0" target="0" type="drive" unit="0" />
<source file="/rhev/data-center/5ac1ff95-d7ac-4b42-89d5-241eef81b9a6/f9aaa65a-0ac7-4c61-a27d-15af39016419/images/ea86a
e1b-893a-47ac-bde8-8c54b4c30e80/ee90830a-7ce8-452b-ba14-2f79f5c7250a" />
<target bus="scsi" dev="sda" />
<driver cache="none" error_policy="stop" io="threads" name="qemu" type="qcow2" />
As a result the VM won't start. If the disk is virtio (vda) it works. Anyway to remove the cdrom device from the VM definition?