2016-09-23 13:50 GMT+02:00 Sahina Bose <sabose@redhat.com>:

Ok, if I encounter again similiar problems I will post logs here

If you have additional capacity on the other 3 hosts , then yes, you can create a new gluster volume with a brick on the newly added 4th node and bricks from other nodes - this volume can be used as another storage domain. You are not doing anything wrong :) Keep in mind that all gluster volumes used as data storage domains should be replica 3 or replica 3 -arbiter to avoid split-brain and data loss issues.

Mmmmh this is ringing an alarm bell then. So, it's basically impossible (or at least not supported) a 4 hosts configuration with all the 4 hosts having a data domain in a replica 2 fashion? Is it only replica 3 arbiter 1 the supported HA configuration? So if I want to expand storage (a part from adding disks to the same machines) I must add machines 3 by 3 ?

Currently I have 4 machines with 4 disks each in a RAID-10 configuration, exposed as one brick. Which is the best HA solution in this scenario then?


Davide Ferrari
Senior Systems Engineer