
For OVS, you should use oVirt 4.1.
You should also note that you may experience problems, as we have not fully tested it in all scenarios.
There are also some features we do not support with it (like QoS).

Please use the latest version (4.1 is a good start) and let us know how it goes.


On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 3:15 PM, TranceWorldLogic . <tranceworldlogic@gmail.com> wrote:

 Can some one help me to know which vdsm version I need to use for 4.0.6 ?
I feel rpm release is wrong.

Please check this patch, this might be cause for break.
Title : core: report SwitchType also on bonds
Link: https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine/commit/085636ca7a2ab80c76c71e80b54d8c323606844c


On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 4:58 PM, TranceWorldLogic . <tranceworldlogic@gmail.com> wrote:

I was trying to add host in ovirt 4.0.6 using my cluster mark as OVS.
In 4.0.5, it was able to setup ovirtmgmt interface but in 4.0.6 it fail to setup interface.

I tried debugging this and found that vdsm generated ifcfg for ovirtmgmt not have boottype as dhcp.
And hence it fail to bring host in up state,

Here I want to know:
Q> How can I ask configure ovirt-engine or vdsm to add boottype in ovirtmgmt interface.

In my testing I found a strange behaviour as mention below:
1> In my multiple trial I tried setting ovs property for ovirtmgmt network and then I tried adding host.
2> I observe that VDSM was able to add ovirtmgmt in OVS but this behaviour I observed only once.
Q> Please, can someone help me to understand this OVS behaviour, it will help me to setup everything on OVS? OR
[ In other word, How to setup ovirtmgmt interface on host on OVS bridge ? ]


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