I have just create an oVirt 3.4 server as part of my test environment prior to moving from my production 3.3 environment.

I authenticate against FreeIPA 3.0.0

I generally add a group in IPA, add the permissions in ovirt against the group, and then add/remove users from the groups in IPA.

With oVirt3.4, I have justed added my vmadmin IPA group to ovirt, and given it the SuperUser role.

I try to log in to oVirt 3.4 as myself (I am in the vmadmin group), and I can authenticate fine, but I do not have SuperUser privileges. If I log in to my live Ovirt (3.3), I do have SuperUser privileges.

Has something changed? Or is there an extra step I have to take that I have missed to propogate privileges.



P.S. All work done in the ovirt Admin portal gui so far, not tried the CLI yet.