I am trying to add a new ovirt-node-ng 4.4.10 node to my cluster managed by an ovirt-engine version 4.4.10.
My cluster is composed of other ovirt-node-ng which have been successively updated from version 4.4.4 to version 4.4.10 without any problem.
This new node is integrated normally in the cluster, however when I look at the status of the network part in the tab "Network interface" I see that all interfaces are "down".
Did you try to call "Refresh Capabilities"? It might be the case that the engine presents a different state that is on the host after upgrade.
I have a paperclip at the "bond0" interface that says: "Bond state; NONE"
I compared the content of "/etc/sysconfig/network-script" between an hypervisor which works and the one which has the problem and I notice that a whole bunch of files are missing and in particular the "ifup/ifdown...." files. The folder contains only the cluster specific files + the "ovirtmgmt" interface.
Since 4.4 in general we don't use initscripts anymore, so those files are really not a good indicator of anything. We are using nmstate + NetworkManager, if the connection are correctly presented here
everything should be fine.
The hypervisor which has the problem seems to be perfectly functional, ovirt-engine does not raise any problem.
This really sounds like something that a simple call to "Refresh Capabilities" could fix.
Have you already encountered this type of problem?
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