On Tue, Dec 24, 2019 at 3:26 AM <adrianquintero@gmail.com> wrote:
After playing a bit with oVirt and Gluster in our pre-production environment for the last year, we have decided to move forward with a our production design using ovirt 4.3.7 + Gluster in a hyperconverged setup.

For this we are looking get answers to a few questions that will help out with our design and  eventually lead to our production deployment phase:

Current HW specs (total servers = 18):
1.- Server type: DL380 GEN 9
2.- Memory: 256GB
3.-Disk QTY per hypervisor:
    - 2x600GB SAS (RAID 0) for the OS
    - 9x1.2TB SSD (RAID[0, 6..]..? ) for GLUSTER.
    - Bond1: 2x10Gbps
    - Bond2: 2x10Gbps (for migration and gluster)

Our plan is to build 2x9 node clusters, however the following questions come up:

1.-Should we build 2 separate environments each with its own engine? or should we do 1 engine that will manage both clusters?

If you want the environments independent of each other, having separate with its own engine make sense. Also the example ansible playbooks deploy the environment with engine, so if you choose otherwise, you may need to tweak the deployment scripts

2.-What would be the best gluster volume layout for #1 above with regards to RAID configuration:
- JBOD or RAID6 or…?.
- what is the benefit or downside of using JBOD vs RAID 6 for this particular scenario?
Preferably RAID6. With JBOD, you would have to create a 9x3 distributed replicate volume and leave the healing of data to gluster, while with RAID if you lose a disk this is at RAID controller level.
3.-Would you recommend Ansible-based deployment (if supported)? If yes where would I find the documentation for it? or should we just deploy using the UI?.
- I have reviewed the following and in Chapter 5 it only mentions Web UI https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_hyperconverged_infrastructure_for_virtualization/1.6/html-single/deploying_red_hat_hyperconverged_infrastructure_for_virtualization/index#deployment_workflow
- Also looked at https://github.com/gluster/gluster-ansible/tree/master/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment but could not get it to work properly.

If you want to deploy a 12 node setup, then an ansible playbook is available. +Gobinda Das in case you have questions on this.

4.-what is the recommended max server qty in a hyperconverged setup with gluster, 12, 15, 18...?

12 is the tested configuration, but there's no technical limitation against expanding to 15 or 18.


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