Does 'dig fqdn'  from the oVirt engine server return the IP address your expecting, and does 'dig -x ipaddress' from the oVirt engine server return the fqdn you're expecting?

If not, then it's possibly not the oVirt system that's having the issue and instead may be something in DNS land.

It might also be worth checking search domains and name servers in /etc/resolv.conf for sanity.


On Saturday, January 31, 2015, Faraday, Kriparam <> wrote:
Hi C,
Thanks for the response. 
I did check the /etc/sysconfig/network file. In fact, in this server the 'hostname' and 'hostname -f' commands return the same fqdn as well. 

There must be some other means by which ovirt-3.5 is trying to reverse resolve the IP. Still pondering what it is.


On Jan 31, 2015, at 3:25 AM, Cam Wright <> wrote:

Hi Kripa,

When you set up the oVirt engine it looks like it tries to resolve the fqdn of the machine (which in this case looks like you either haven't updated /etc/sysconfig/network to match the fqdn you provided in the setup or you have and haven't rebooted / reset your network stack).

I found the same thing after providing the fqdn it was intended to be in oVirt 3.4 setup (I haven't built a 3.5 engine from scratch, yet) but hadn't updated /etc/sysconfig/network so it tried to resolve against localhost.localdomain.

Hope this helps.


On Saturday, January 31, 2015, Faraday, Kriparam <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to configure ovirt(ver 3.5). The fqdn I provide during the step "Host fully qualified DNS name of this server” is reverse resolvable. I am able to verify that with nslookup of the IP address. 
> But, I keep getting the following error:
> Host fully qualified DNS name of this server [localhost.localdomain]:
> [ ERROR ] Host name is not valid: The following addresses: 10.xx.xx.xx did not reverseresolve into
> How is ovirt-engine trying to reverse lookup the domain? If I know that, I could probably fix the issue.
> Thanks,
> Kripa


Cam Wright | IT Support Officer / SysAdmin / Trawler of Logs
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