On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Yaniv Kaul wrote:

On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 3:36 PM Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
I'm doing some tests to import VMs from VMware and verify functionality.
Great newcomer in 4.1

It was added in 4.0, I believe.

Ah, ok. Never tried before from web admin gui.
I confused in release notes of 4.1.0 with the feature:
BZ 1294629 Improve loading external VMs speed

And after about 20 minutes (the original VM has only one thin provisioned disk 4Gb/8Gb) the lock goes away and the status of the VM becomes down and in events pane I get only now the sequence:

Feb 27, 2017 2:20:42 PM Vm T-RHEL6-64 was imported successfully to Data Center Default, Cluster Default

And this is the end of the task.

Yes, I mean that during the 20 minutes elapsed time, it results that no tasks are in execution.
Is this correct because it is considered a sort of external task or is it a bug?

It seems to me not so clear experience for the user importing, especially I imagine in case of more than one import and with big disks.

I guess as always, we could try to improve with progress bar...

I didn't refer to it (see above), but for sure it could be a nice add-on feature to provide.

And what about the "clone" option? In what is it different from no selection of it?
