On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 10:20 AM, yayo (j) <jaganz@gmail.com> wrote:

Is there any problem to use the "hosted_engine" data domain to put disk of others VM?

it will be the default in 4.3.

It's tracked here:

I'm not aware of any specific block on 4.2 so it should work on technical side although it's not the recommended architecture on production systems.
For sure you can actually face some perforce degradation of block device storage domains (iSCSI and FC) if you have a lot of inactive VMs on the hosted-engine storage domain due to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1443819 

I have created a "too big" "hosted_engine" data domain so I want to use that space...

Thank you

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