I actually use an oVirt VM as my desktop at home.  Why?  Because I can and I didn't want to have to buy another box for my desktop.  However there are a few caveats to this and some lessons I learned.

The consumer grade GTX cards are going to have issues being passed through.  NVIDIA blocks this in their drivers and RedHat honors NVIDIA's requirements for this.  You can enter an agreement with NVIDIA, which I am sure costs some money somewhere, to get special drivers.  Or you can use their enterprise Quadro cards, however I tested a P2000 and could not get it to work on oVIrt.  But I did not try very hard.

At home, I am using an AMD Radeon RX 480/580.  AMD doesn't care if you pass it through and it works almost right out of the box.  You just want to make sure to blacklist the AMD drivers for the host, and put them in the PCI-Stubs group.  It's really easy with some basic bash/terminal knowledge:
Check the physical GPU portion.

You can, HOWEVER, trick the VM into not thinking it's a VM in KVM and QEMU.  To prove this, I built a proxmox box at work to test it and I was able to successfully pass through a GTX 1060 without too much trouble.  I Have some notes here:
However these are pretty rough notes.  I just wanted to prove it could be done.

For oVirt a lot of the QEMU/KVM settings and commands are going to be stored in databases and files.  and I had trouble getting these to pick up on the oVirt side.  I even tried creating a VDSM hook, as mentioned in this thread:
But I never got it working.

I am definitely no expert, but I have done a lot of tinkering with this.  But you will get pushback from oVirt/Redhat as this is not officially supported.  If you want it to work with consumer grade cards, use AMD.  If you want to do it "right" you will have to buy the enterprise quadro cards.  But these get quite pricey.

On Sat, Mar 16, 2019 at 12:15 PM Darin Schmidt <darinschmidt@gmail.com> wrote:
If I'm reading through the documents correctly, you can't use consumer grade gpus such as gtx 1080's and assign them to a VM?

I'm trying to do something similar to how Linus used untaid to build several gaming machines from one.

Any help would be appreciated. 

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