My first guess would be fencing.
Fencing kicks in when there are network issues or when the Hypervisor is stuck.

Check the engine's logs to verify that guess.

Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Fri, Feb 5, 2021 at 11:50, francesco--- via Users
<> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm experiencing random reboot on several oVirt nodes (CentOS 7/8, oVirt 4.3/4.4 as well). Sometimes it happens three times in a day, and the more hosts I'm adding to my pool, the more I noticing.

The logs are not helpful: it's like a brute poweroff cause there are no entries at all in the messages, vdsm, secure (I looked all over the logs) from the last "normal" entry (user logged in/off, normal vdsm log ecc.) until the first entry of the boot. kdump is enabled and /var/crash is empty. I used to run Xen on the servers of the same provider and I didn't have all of these frequent reboots, that's why I'm not sure it is a hardware related issue.

Any advice on what enables for getting more info about this crash?

Thank you for your time,
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