On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Susinthiran Sithamparanathan <chesusin@gmail.com> wrote:
Sure, here it is: https://my.owndrive.com/index.php/s/MFoFyKJVLjzezey

The agent is periodically restarting the engine VM but from the logs I don't see why.
Can you please set the agent in debug mode and share again its logs?

You have to edit /etc/ovirt-hosted-engine-ha/agent-log.conf changing from



and then restart ovirt-ha-agent.

On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 3:19 PM, Doron Fediuck <dfediuck@redhat.com> wrote:
Can you please provide the HA agent logs?

On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 1:57 PM, Susinthiran Sithamparanathan <chesusin@gmail.com> wrote:
i've been discussing this issue over at IRC (#ovirt on irc.oftc.net)) and was suggested to send an email with logs the ML.

The problem i have is that the HE is a loop getting up and down ( ( i assume it's the HA trying to get it up) after upgrade to oVirt 4. I have a couple of VMs i use daily with SPICE and remoteviewer and i hope to get them up and running again. Due to this, i've put it in global maintenance mode.
I'm attaching the server log in the hope of getting some help and can provide more details if needed to debug the issue further.

The log is too big for fpaste so it's to be found here: https://my.owndrive.com/index.php/s/Gk4De1jy9fWmFa8 as well as attached here.



Susinthiran Sithamparanathan

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Susinthiran Sithamparanathan

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