2018-05-28 15:50 GMT+02:00 <etienne.charlier@reduspaceservices.eu>:

I'm deploying a test cluster to get used to the ovirt product.
My ovirt ( 4.2.2) engine is deployed in a vmware virtual machine.

I'm busy deploying 5 hosts using the ovirt-node iso.

Welcome to oVirt community!
Since you're deploying 5 hosts with oVirt Node I would suggest to use Self Hosted oVirt Engine solution instead of keeping the oVirt Engine in a vmware VM.
You can find (a bit outdated) documentation here: https://ovirt.org/documentation/self-hosted/Self-Hosted_Engine_Guide/


I have issue with the additional physical network interface ( used for vm trafic and iSCSI)

In ovirt manager I can't see the physical network interfaces. It's thus not possible to assign logical network to physical interfaces and my hosts stays in "non operational" status.

How should  I configure the additional interfaces in the  ovirt-node installer to have them recognized ?

I somehow managed to configure one host and I can see a comment line in /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-... saying vdsm has acquired the interface....
No Such line in the ifcfg-* file in non operational hosts....

Any idea ?

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