The steps are: 
1. Find the VM's UUID in the API
2. Find the VM's current host and spice ports:
Look for the <display> section - it will hold the host IP or FQDN, and the spice ports
3. Issue a spice ticket via https://rhevm/ovirt-engine/api/vms/UUID/ticket
4. Connect with a spice client (remote-viewer or spicec) with the target being HOST:PORT and the ticket you issued as password

All this can be scripted via the API or the engine CLI

Hope this helps


On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 5:03 PM, John Gardeniers <> wrote:
Connecting to a VM console with Spice via the RHEV/Ovirt admin interface works just fine. How can I connect to a VM's console using a free-standing Spice viewer, such as the Chrome Spice Viewer plug-in? I've so far found no information on this at all.


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