Hi all,

In these days, I was struggling to find the relationship among vm/disk/disk-attachment. I just found that the IDs of DiskAttachment and relevant Disk are the same, in the mapping phrase by [1].

This is a extremely helpful for connecting the disk and the disk-attachment, especially when updating a disk by its relevant disk-attachment instance. Nevertheless it's missing in the API document [2]. Adding a intuitive hint would be highly appreciated. Thanks.

[1]: https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine/blob/68753f46f09419ddcdbb632453501273697d1a20/backend/manager/modules/restapi/types/src/main/java/org/ovirt/engine/api/restapi/types/DiskAttachmentMapper.java
[2]: http://ovirt.github.io/ovirt-engine-api-model/4.3/#types/disk_attachment