On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 8:56 AM, Richard Neuboeck <hawk@tbi.univie.ac.at> wrote:
Hi oVirt group,

I'm currently trying to set up an oVirt 3.6 self hosed engine on a
replica 2 gluster volume. As you can imagine it fails since it expects a
replica 3 volume.

Since this part is hard coded during the installation this could be
easily remedied but on the other hand I'm not familiar with the oVirt
setup so I'm not sure if I would be disturbing something far a head that
again is puzzled by the lack of a replica 3 volume.

Is there a reason why it has to be exactly replica 3?

To have a valid quorum having the system being able to decide witch is the right and safe copy avoiding an issue called split brain.
Under certain circumstances/issues (network issue, hosts down or whatever could happen) the data on different replica could diverge: if you have two and just two different hosts that claim each other that its copy is the right one there is no way to automatically take the right decision. Having three hosts and setting the quorum according to that solves/mitigates the issue.
Shouldn't the redundancy of the storage back end be the responsibility
of the admin and therefore the option to choose (at least replicated and
distributed replicated) open?

I'm asking because the storage back and I'm using is kind of a 'big'
thing and it's hardware is put together to facilitate the use of replica
2. Sure I could create multiple bricks on those two machines but other
than a negative performance impact I would gain nothing. Since the price
tag of one of those servers is quite high the likelihood of getting
another one is exactly 0. So I'm sure it makes sens to you that I would
rather choose my own replication level than having one predetermined.

All the best

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