On Tue, 5 Nov 2019 at 20:28, Nathanaël Blanchet <blanchet@abes.fr> wrote:

Le 05/11/2019 à 18:22, Roy Golan a écrit :

On Tue, 5 Nov 2019 at 19:12, Nathanaël Blanchet <blanchet@abes.fr> wrote:

Le 05/11/2019 à 13:54, Roy Golan a écrit :

On Tue, 5 Nov 2019 at 14:52, Nathanaël Blanchet <blanchet@abes.fr> wrote:

I tried openshift-install after compiling but no ovirt provider is available... So waht do you mean when you say "give a try"? Maybe only provisionning ovirt with the terraform module?

[root@vm5 installer]# bin/openshift-install create cluster
? Platform  [Use arrows to move, space to select, type to filter, ? for more help]
> aws


Its not merged yet. Please pull this image and work with it as a container

A little feedback as you asked:

[root@openshift-installer ~]# docker run -it 56e5b667100f create cluster
? Platform ovirt
? Enter oVirt's api endpoint URL https://air-dev.v100.abes.fr/ovirt-engine/api
? Enter ovirt-engine username admin@internal
? Enter password **********
? Pick the oVirt cluster Default
? Pick a VM template centos7.x
? Enter the internal API Virtual IP
? Enter the internal DNS Virtual IP
? Enter the ingress IP
? Base Domain oc4.localdomain
? Cluster Name test
? Pull Secret [? for help] *************************************
INFO Creating infrastructure resources...        
INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for the Kubernetes API at https://api.test.oc4.localdomain:6443...
ERROR Attempted to gather ClusterOperator status after installation failure: listing ClusterOperator objects: Get https://api.test.oc4.localdomain:6443/apis/config.openshift.io/v1/clusteroperators: dial tcp: lookup api.test.oc4.localdomain on no such host
INFO Pulling debug logs from the bootstrap machine
ERROR Attempted to gather debug logs after installation failure: failed to create SSH client, ensure the proper ssh key is in your keyring or specify with --key: failed to initialize the SSH agent: failed to read directory "/output/.ssh": open /output/.ssh: no such file or directory
FATAL Bootstrap failed to complete: waiting for Kubernetes API: context deadline exceeded

  • 6 vms are successfully created thin dependent from the template

  • each vm is provisionned by cloud-init
  • the step "INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for the Kubernetes API at https://api.test.oc4.localdomain:6443..." fails. It seems that the DNS pod is not up at this time.
  • Right this moment, there is no more visibility on what is done, what goes wrong... what's happening there? supposing a kind of playbook downloading a kind of images...
  • The" pull secret step" is not clear: we must have a redhat account to https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/install/ to get a key like

  • {"auths":{"cloud.openshift.com":{"auth":"b3BlbnNoaWZ0LXJlbGVhc2UtZGV2K2V4cGxvaXRhYmVzZnIxdGN0ZnR0dmFnMHpuazMxd2IwMnIwenV1MDg6TE9XVzFQODM1NzNJWlI4MlZDSUEyTFdEVlJJS0U5VTVWM0NTSUdOWjJH********************==","email":"exploit@abes.fr"},"quay.io":{"auth":"b3BlbnNoaWZ0LXJlbGVhc2UtZGV2K2V4cGxvaXRhYmVzZnIxdGN0ZnR0dmFnMHpuazMxd2IwMnIwenV1MDg6TE9XVzFQODM1NzNJWlI4MlZDSUEyTFdEVlJJS0U5VTVWM0NTSUdOWjJH********************==","email":"exploit@abes.fr"},"registry.connect.redhat.com":{"auth":"NTI0MjkwMnx1aGMtMVRDVEZUVFZBRzBaTkszMXdCMDJSMFp1VTA4OmV5SmhiR2NpT2lKU1V6VXhNaUo5LmV5SnpkV0lpT2lJMk4ySTJNREV3WXpObE1HSTBNbVE0T1RGbVpUZGxa**********************","email":"exploit@abes.fr"},"registry.redhat.io":{"auth":"NTI0MjkwMnx1aGMtMVRDVEZUVFZBRzBaTkszMXdCMDJSMFp1VTA4OmV5SmhiR2NpT2lKU1V6VXhNaUo5LmV5SnpkV0lpT2lJMk4ySTJNREV3WXpObE1HSTBNbVE0T1RGbVpUZGxa**********************","email":"exploit@abes.fr"}}}

Can you tell me if I'm doing wrong?

What is the template you are using? I don't think its RHCOS(Red Hat CoreOs) template, it looks like Centos?

Unfortunately, the result is the same with the RHCOS template...

Make sure that:
- the IPs supplied are taken, and belong to the VM network of those master VMs
- localdomain or local domain suffix shouldn't be used
- your ovirt-engine is version 4.3.7 or master

Le 05/11/2019 à 12:24, Roy Golan a écrit :

On Tue, 5 Nov 2019 at 13:22, Nathanaël Blanchet <blanchet@abes.fr> wrote:

I'm interested by installing okd on ovirt with the official openshift
installer (https://github.com/openshift/installer), but ovirt is not yet

If you want to give a try and supply feedback I'll be glad.
Regarding https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1578255 and
, how ovirt 4.3.7 should integrate openshift installer integration with

Terraform is part of it, yes, It is what we use to spin the first 3 masters, plus a bootstraping machine.

Nathanaël Blanchet

Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
34193 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5       
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14

Nathanaël Blanchet

Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
Nathanaël Blanchet

Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14
Nathanaël Blanchet

Supervision réseau
Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14