On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 8:59 AM Steve Watkins <watkinssr@gmail.com> wrote:
Very new to this, trying to work my way through it. 

Got everything up and running, was uploading an ISO to try and start a vm and then everything just disconnected.  On the host it shows the hostedengine as paused.  Did some digging and found the suggestion to do the following:
virsh -c qemu:///system?authfile=/etc/ovirt-hosted-engine/virsh_auth.conf
resume HostedEngine

which gives me the message
Failed to acquire lock: No space left on device. 

This might be also the reason that caused it to pause.
Searching the net for this message does find several relevant cases.

Can you check some relevant logs?


Also, what kind of storage do you use?
Do you use the hosted-engine storage domain for other stuff?

Best regards,