On Feb 4, 2017 1:21 AM, "Slava Bendersky" <volga629@networklab.ca> wrote:
Hello Everyone,
Having trouble implement  FreeIPA authentication with GSSAPI SSO  and ovirt 4.1. I ran setup and it finished OK then it wrote the files bellow. Next I log to web admin with internal user and added FeeIPA user as SuperUser role. Also I added under System FreeIPA group authorized to login on any attempt to login with FreeIPA credentials getting message

2017-02-04 00:03:08,464Z ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.sso.servlets.InteractiveAuthServlet] (default task-6) [] Internal Server Error: Unsupported command
2017-02-04 00:03:08,464Z ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.sso.utils.SsoUtils] (default task-6) [] Unsupported command
2017-02-04 00:03:08,659Z ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.aaa.servlet.SsoPostLoginServlet] (default task-3) [] server_error: Unsupported command

Ravi, do you know what this can cause?

Also when in extensions.d directory contain the following files. If I remove mydomain.lan-authn.properties then in web ui FreeIPA domain not showing up in drop down list. Any http don't have influence on this.

That is correct behavior, we dont show profiles, which uses http for authn.

[root@vhe00 extensions.d]# pwd

[root@vhe00 extensions.d]# ls
mydomain.lan-authn.properties mydomain.lan-http-authn.properties  mydomain.lan.properties      internal-authz.properties
mydomain.lan-authz.properties mydomain.lan-http-mapping.properties  internal-authn.properties
[root@vhe00 extensions.d]# 

If possible clarify how it should be and what is possible issue.

Can you please take a look to /var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log if any errors there?


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