You have to copy the iso and vfd files to the ISO domain to make them available to the vm’s that need drivers.


engine-iso-uploader options list

# engine-iso-uploader options upload file file file

Documentation is found here:


Eric Evans

Digital Data Services LLC.



From: Shareef Jalloq <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 1:51 PM
Subject: [ovirt-users] Windows VirtIO drivers




it seems the online documentation regarding the windows installation steps is well out of date.  Where is there any current documentation on where to get the VirtIO drivers for a Windows installation?


From a bit of Googling, it seems that I need to 'yum install virtio-win' on the engine VM and then copy the relevant .iso/.vfd to the ISO domain.  Is that correct?


Where is the documentation maintained and how do I open a bug on it?


Thanks, Shareef.