Just to add up, for the second question I am following this URL:


So the question is more of anything else that may be good to take in attention other than what is already there.


2018-03-19 13:38 GMT-03:00 FERNANDO FREDIANI <fernando.frediani@upx.com>:
Hello folks

I currently have a oVirt Engine which runs in a Dedicated Virtual Machine in another ans separate environment. It is very nice to have it like that because every time I do a oVirt Version Upgrade I take a snapshot before and if it failed (and it did failed in the past several times) I just go back in time before the snapshot and all comes back to normal.

Two quick questions:

- Going to a Self-Hosted Engine will snapshots or recoverable ways be possible ?

- To migrate the Engine from the current environment to the self-hosted engine is it just a question to backup the Database, restore it into the self-hosted engine keeping it with the same IP address ? Are there any special points to take in consideration when doing this migration ?
