When I try to add the second host from the ovirt interface I get the following error:
Of course, host vdicnode02 does not appear in the GUI and the gluster looks perfectly up und sync:
[root@vdicnode02 ~]# gluster volume status
Status of volume: vdic-infr-gv0
Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
Brick vdicnode01-priv:/vdic-infr/gv0 49152 0 Y 3039
Brick vdicnode02-priv:/vdic-infr/gv0 49152 0 Y 1999
Brick vdicnode03-priv:/vdic-infr/gv0 49152 0 Y 3456
Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y 3043
Self-heal Daemon on vdicnode03-priv N/A N/A Y 3496
Self-heal Daemon on vdicnode01-priv N/A N/A Y 3267
Task Status of Volume vdic-infr-gv0
There are no active volume tasks
Status of volume: vdic-infr2-gv0
Gluster process TCP Port RDMA Port Online Pid
Brick vdicnode01-priv:/vdic-infr2/gv0 49153 0 Y 3048
Brick vdicnode02-priv:/vdic-infr2/gv0 49153 0 Y 2026
Brick vdicnode03-priv:/vdic-infr2/gv0 49153 0 Y 3450
Self-heal Daemon on localhost N/A N/A Y 3043
Self-heal Daemon on vdicnode01-priv N/A N/A Y 3267
Self-heal Daemon on vdicnode03-priv N/A N/A Y 3496
Task Status of Volume vdic-infr2-gv0
There are no active volume tasks
[root@vdicnode02 ~]#
I'd like to know the difference between None, Deploy and Undeploy from the Hosted Engine option as well:
Thanks a lot.