Hi Matthias,

Thanks for the detailed information!
It looks like you've found a bug. A NullPointerException should never occur.
Can you please file a BZ and attach all the relevant logs so we can understand the root cause for it?


On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 3:01 PM Matthias Leopold <matthias.leopold@meduniwien.ac.at> wrote:

Am 2018-10-03 um 12:14 schrieb Matthias Leopold:
> Hi,
> we're successfully using Cinder as a Block Storage Provider for oVirt
> with customized Cinder installation in a CentOS host according to
> OpenStack docs. Now i wanted to try out running Cinder in Docker and
> followed the instructions from
> https://thenewstack.io/deploying-cinder-stand-alone-storage-service/
> (customized for use with Ceph RBD).
> This works to the point where i can setup an external provider and
> consequently a storage domain in oVirt. I set up the provider without
> authentication and testing this (by pressing "Test" button) works. When
> i want to create disks i realize that oVirt doesn't recognize the
> "Volume Type" definitions. In engine.log i see messages like
> 2018-10-03 12:04:46,990+02 ERROR
> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.disk.cinder.GetCinderVolumeTypesByStorageDomainIdQuery]
> (default task-72) [06d4fbf7-0b3c-46b3-8166-148ee7f67a4c] Query
> 'GetCinderVolumeTypesByStorageDomainIdQuery' failed: null
> 2018-10-03 12:04:46,990+02 ERROR
> [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.storage.disk.cinder.GetCinderVolumeTypesByStorageDomainIdQuery]
> (default task-72) [06d4fbf7-0b3c-46b3-8166-148ee7f67a4c] Exception:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> I very much suspect that not using authentication (because of
> "auth_strategy = noauth" in cinder.conf) is the culprit. Listing types
> with cinder CLI from the engine host works (when using the appropriate
> environment). Can some of the RH devs confirm this behaviour? Is this an
> engine bug?
> thanks
> Matthias

I switched one of the existing, working Cinder hosts (no Docker
involved) to "auth_strategy = noauth" and the problem (and error message
in engine.log) with querying volume types is the same. So - regardless
if i wanted to actually use it that way - I consider this a bug in
Cinder integration in oVirt.

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