
I read a few of the past gluster presentations online, most of them seem to recommend similar to this:

mkfs.xfs -i size=512 -n size=8192 -d su=256k,sw=10 /dev/mapper/vg_gluster-lv_gluster1

You then want to mount it as:
/dev/mapper/vg_gluster-lv_gluster1 /data1  xfs     allocsize=4096,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=256K,noatime        1 2"

I haven't tested this vs other scenarios though.. so you might want to give it a try first

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 6:53 PM, Alexandr <shuriku@shurik.kiev.ua> wrote:

I want to build small gluster storage with two nodes, 2x3Tb HDD in
md-mirror on each. What parameters should I use in mkfs.xfs for optimal
perfomance with ovirt? Should I use "-s size=4k" or something else?

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